Spa Therapy is very old way of treatment .The only difference is that we were not aware of this earlier.There has been an increased interest in Spa Therapy and Spa practices over the last several years.This is one of the way of treatment which can be sentenced as nature's healing therapy.Come let us discover the knowledge of this therapy from one of the great country who acclaims authority on this particular subject.
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Ayurveda the originator of all natural therapy. The most scientific authentic science is the Ayurveda which describes about spa therapy. Spa therapy is nothing but using natural processes for healing the disorders of human body. It includes the treatment like sun bath,message to body,aroma therapy etc. Now I am going to describe you about spa therapy and their types in connection to Ayurveda.As being an old science and for its unchallenged healing power, it is acclaimed in all corners of the globe.
Types of therapy in connection to Ayurveda
The scope of ayurvedic and spa therapy encompasses healing, relaxation and beauty therapies. Panchakarma is one of the oldest ayurvedic and spa therapy, which holds a 5000 years old tradition. This is all about purifying the body by eliminating all doshas i.e. internal impurities from the body. The Panchakarma health program is based on several therapies such as Vamanam or Emesis therapy, Virechanam or Puragation, Aasthaapana or Niruham Enema, Anuvaasan or Enema with Oil, Nasyam and Parchatkarma or diet. The menu spa treatments also include Abhyangam or General massage, Pizhichil, Navakarizhi, Dhara, Sirovasthi, Elakizhi, Nasyam and Talapothichil or Head Pack. Further, the beauty treatments comprise of Massage for head, Facial Massage, and Face Pack.
The programs at ayurvedic and spa therapy centers may vary from 1 to 21 days.
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