Tuesday, February 19, 2008

For Dry Skin Ayurvedic treatment

In Basic to ayurveda theory is of the five elements: spirit, air, earth, wind and fire. It is thought that everything in the material world is a combination of these components. Ayurvedic healers believe that the proportions differ in each of us and influence our spiritual, mental and physical establishment. Skin that is dry and tight is classed as air predominant and is called vata. The corresponding ayurvedic dry skin treatment consists of diet, skin protection and a lifestyle appropriate to an air skin type.

Ayurvedic healers recommend that people with dry skin cook with clarified butter or olive oil. Diet wise, the most beneficial cereals are rice, oatmeal and buckwheat. Other helpful foods include mung beans (available from health stores), asparagus and courgette, stewed apples and pears for breakfast, seasonal fresh fruits, soaked walnuts and soaked and blanched almonds. The recommended spices for dry skin treatment are turmeric, cumin, coriander and fennel in a ratio of 2/3/6/6. This spice mixture is sautéed in clarified butter and added to food after or during cooking.

Recommended lifestyle alterations include going to bed early, walking for 20 minutes in the morning, taking regular short breaks while working and deep breathing.